It's beginning to feel properly like summer and I'm a summer baby, so this is my favourite time of year.
Normally I don't do the summer wardrobe clear out, but I decided to give it a try this year, and I definitely recommend. Here's what to do:
Step one- take everything out.
I mean everything! We want to see exactly what we have to begin the sorting process.
Step two- sort into piles.
I tried to make this look neat, but it still looks a mess! I put my clothes into these piles:
T-shirts/ blouses
Jeans/ trousers
Jumpers and cardigans
Christmas/ winter clothes

Step three- go through piles and take out anything that doesn't fit anymore (try things on), anything that isn't your style or is a bit worn out, and anything that isn't the right season (e.g. winter clothing). Sort into even more piles!
Put the winter clothing somewhere out the way, and either donate or sell the rest. (I recommend vinted or eBay for this if the clothes are in decent condition.)
Step four- begin putting things back.
(The best bit!) Once all the clothes are back in the wardrobe and draws, you should feel summer ready. Here's how my mine turned out. Pretty tidy for me!

Happy summer sorting!
Written by a Girl who loves coffee.