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Do you drink enough water?

Writer: Girl who loves coffee Girl who loves coffee

It's beginning to get to the time of year, when we have to up our water intake because of the heat and I don't know about you, but drinking water is something I really struggle with! I often come to the end of the day realising I've only drunk a coffee and one glass of water, life is busy, sometimes we forget, or sometimes it just isn't a priority! But our bodies are made up of about 60% of water, so we need to drink as much as we can.

How do we do that??

Tip one: make it interesting

This morning I made blueberry ice cubes, to spice up my water a bit, and it makes me want to drink it as it's full of flavour!

(Shout-out to our beautiful garden for making this picture look very cool!) - link to the ice cube tray I used. They're long strips rather than cubes.

Tip two- set reminders

Whether you set a reminder in your calendar a couple times a day that tells you to have some water, or whether you use an app (there are lots), sometimes all we need is a visual reminder and it can make a huge difference. here's the link to a water reminder app I've used and liked before.

Tip three - lots of my freinds do this, and I'm so bad at remembering! Bring a water bottle with you, everywhere. If you carry water with you, you are much more likely to drink it. I especially recommend the ones that have the times written on to keep you accountable for how much you've drunk in the day. - here's one I found on Amazon.

Tip four - always have a glass of water around whilst you eat, to drink before and during. If you have three meals a day, that's three glasses of water, and because it's there infront of you, you're more likely to remember to drink it!

Tip five- another way to increase your water intake is to eat foods that are higher in water, such as watermelon, (who's doesn't love that on a sunny day??) lettuce, celery cucumber, strawberries and tomatoes. All of these have a high percentage of water, meaning without even drinking, you are increasing your water intake.

Hopefully, these tips will help you to drink the water you need this year, and enjoy it more than last year, it shouldn't feel like a chore.

Written by a girl who loves coffee.


1 comentario

01 jun 2023

Great picture of the blueberry water. Nice lupins! 🤣❤️

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